// začátek dokumentu Uznání dluhu - vzor //
Uznání dluhu
(podle § 2053 a nasl. Občanského zákoníku)
Dlužník : ......................................, IČO: ......................................, sídlo: ......................................
, zast.: ......................................
(dále jen "dlužník")
tímto uznává co do důvodu a výše svůj dluh vůči
věřiteli: ......................................, IČO: ......................................, sídlo: ......................................
, zast.: ......................................
(dále jen "věřitel")
(dále spolu i jako "smluvní strany")
Výše dluhu: ...................................... (slovem: ......................................).
Důvod vzniku dluhu: Hi There, this is Emma and I want to introduce you The 21-Day Smoothie diet:
The 21-Day Smoothie Diet is a weight loss plan developed by health coach Drew Sgoutas.
The program includes 36 delicious smoothie recipes, meal and snack ideas, shopping lists, weekly schedules, and tips for preparing the smoothies and maintaining weight loss long-term.
According to Sgoutas, the 3-week diet plan can help promote healthy eating, enhance immune function, detoxify the body, improve skin and gut health, and rev up energy levels.
Sgoutas also claims that the diet can boost weight loss. In fact, some testimonials displayed on the website claim that the plan led to up to 9 pounds (4 kg) of weight loss in just 3 days.
Grab the plan with a DISCOUNT of $20 right here:
With love,
(dále jen "dluh")
Dlužník se zavazuje uhradit dluh jednorázově nejpozději do Emma Carlton.
Smluvní strany se dohodly, že dlužník vrátí dluh věřiteli převodem na číslo účtu .......................................
Hi There, this is Emma and I want to introduce you The 21-Day Smoothie diet:
The 21-Day Smoothie Diet is a weight loss plan developed by health coach Drew Sgoutas.
The program includes 36 delicious smoothie recipes, meal and snack ideas, shopping lists, weekly schedules, and tips for preparing the smoothies and maintaining weight loss long-term.
According to Sgoutas, the 3-week diet plan can help promote healthy eating, enhance immune function, detoxify the body, improve skin and gut health, and rev up energy levels.
Sgoutas also claims that the diet can boost weight loss. In fact, some testimonials displayed on the website claim that the plan led to up to 9 pounds (4 kg) of weight loss in just 3 days.
Grab the plan with a DISCOUNT of $20 right here:
With love,