// začátek dokumentu Uznání dluhu - vzor //
Uznání dluhu
(podle § 2053 a nasl. Občanského zákoníku)
Dlužník : ......................................, IČO: ......................................, sídlo: ......................................
, zast.: ......................................
(dále jen "dlužník")
tímto uznává co do důvodu a výše svůj dluh vůči
věřiteli: ......................................, IČO: ......................................, sídlo: ......................................
, zast.: ......................................
(dále jen "věřitel")
(dále spolu i jako "smluvní strany")
Výše dluhu: ...................................... (slovem: ......................................).
Důvod vzniku dluhu: I'm Sam, a Web designer and App Developer, currently working with an Indian-based company, bringing over 7 years of experience to the field.
We specialize in developing a variety of apps, including:
1. Food Delivery Apps,
2. School Driving Training App,
3. Taxi/Travel Apps,
4. Real Estate Apps,
5. Health Fitness Apps,
6. M-Commerce Apps,
7. Android Apps,
8. Mac OSX Apps,
9. Custom Web Apps,
10. iPhone and iPad Apps
Whether it's iPhone and iPad Apps or Android Apps, we've got you covered. If you're interested in Mobile App or Web Development Services, I can provide you with our past work and pricing details. Click here for more information: https://outsource-bpo.com/website/
PS: We also do SEO Services for your website. Excellent Results and Fair prices - https://digitalpromax.co/la/
(dále jen "dluh")
Dlužník se zavazuje uhradit dluh jednorázově nejpozději do .......................................
Smluvní strany se dohodly, že dlužník vrátí dluh věřiteli převodem na číslo účtu .......................................
I'm Sam, a Web designer and App Developer, currently working with an Indian-based company, bringing over 7 years of experience to the field.
We specialize in developing a variety of apps, including:
1. Food Delivery Apps,
2. School Driving Training App,
3. Taxi/Travel Apps,
4. Real Estate Apps,
5. Health Fitness Apps,
6. M-Commerce Apps,
7. Android Apps,
8. Mac OSX Apps,
9. Custom Web Apps,
10. iPhone and iPad Apps
Whether it's iPhone and iPad Apps or Android Apps, we've got you covered. If you're interested in Mobile App or Web Development Services, I can provide you with our past work and pricing details. Click here for more information: https://outsource-bpo.com/website/
PS: We also do SEO Services for your website. Excellent Results and Fair prices - https://digitalpromax.co/la/