// začátek dokumentu Uznání dluhu - vzor //
Uznání dluhu
(podle § 2053 a nasl. Občanského zákoníku)
Dlužník : ......................................, IČO: ......................................, sídlo: ......................................
, zast.: ......................................
(dále jen "dlužník")
tímto uznává co do důvodu a výše svůj dluh vůči
věřiteli: ......................................, IČO: ......................................, sídlo: ......................................
, zast.: ......................................
(dále jen "věřitel")
(dále spolu i jako "smluvní strany")
Výše dluhu: ...................................... (slovem: ......................................).
Důvod vzniku dluhu: Hi, I'm Michael Yoshioka from Crypto Adviser LTD. Here's a wallet & debit card for cryptocurrencies. Use your crypto assets more easily with this.
RedotPay WALLET:
RedotPay partners with Binance, offering a popular wallet & VISA debit card. Pay directly with crypto. Apply for the card by installing the wallet app from the URL, App Store, or Google Play.
Wallet Fee: Free
Card Fee: Virtual VISA $5 / Physical VISA $100
URL: https://redotpay.cards/register/
JDB Bank, Laos's largest private bank, partners with the "Octopus" wallet. Apply for a VISA debit cash card. Withdraw cash from ATMs and make international transfers.
Wallet Fee: Free
Bank Account Fee: $800 ($300 deposit)
URL: https://laos-bank.jp/en/
Use these cards at VISA stores worldwide. Get an affiliate account by applying from the URLs above.
Affiliate rewards: Up to $40/card + up to 0.25% fee for RedotPay, and up to $150/card for JDB Bank.
For questions, contact:
Crypto Adviser LTD
Michael Yoshioka
E-mail: info@crypto-adviser.co
(dále jen "dluh")
Dlužník se zavazuje uhradit dluh jednorázově nejpozději do .......................................
Smluvní strany se dohodly, že dlužník vrátí dluh věřiteli převodem na číslo účtu .......................................
Hi, I'm Michael Yoshioka from Crypto Adviser LTD. Here's a wallet & debit card for cryptocurrencies. Use your crypto assets more easily with this.
RedotPay WALLET:
RedotPay partners with Binance, offering a popular wallet & VISA debit card. Pay directly with crypto. Apply for the card by installing the wallet app from the URL, App Store, or Google Play.
Wallet Fee: Free
Card Fee: Virtual VISA $5 / Physical VISA $100
URL: https://redotpay.cards/register/
JDB Bank, Laos's largest private bank, partners with the "Octopus" wallet. Apply for a VISA debit cash card. Withdraw cash from ATMs and make international transfers.
Wallet Fee: Free
Bank Account Fee: $800 ($300 deposit)
URL: https://laos-bank.jp/en/
Use these cards at VISA stores worldwide. Get an affiliate account by applying from the URLs above.
Affiliate rewards: Up to $40/card + up to 0.25% fee for RedotPay, and up to $150/card for JDB Bank.
For questions, contact:
Crypto Adviser LTD
Michael Yoshioka
E-mail: info@crypto-adviser.co