// začátek dokumentu Uznání dluhu - vzor //
Uznání dluhu
(podle § 2053 a nasl. Občanského zákoníku)
Dlužník : ......................................, IČO: ......................................, sídlo: ......................................
, zast.: ......................................
(dále jen "dlužník")
tímto uznává co do důvodu a výše svůj dluh vůči
věřiteli: ......................................, IČO: ......................................, sídlo: ......................................
, zast.: ......................................
(dále jen "věřitel")
(dále spolu i jako "smluvní strany")
Výše dluhu: ...................................... (slovem: ......................................).
Důvod vzniku dluhu: Hello uznanidluhu.cz,
Podcasts are amazing, they really work! If you have not set up one yet because they are too much work, well, this changes now.
There is a new technology that can do conversations using AI. Yes, you can feed it a script and it will make cracker conversations in realistic voices. Here’s an example
Jill: Hi Mark! Did you hear the latest about grape farming?
Mark: What about it?
Jill: You can grow grapes, make wine and sell that for a 500x profit.
Mark: Nice!
Now imagine putting in a complete conversation on your favorite topic. Pick up anything… You don’t need to speak and yet you can create a Podcast.
With this app… My latest: https://www.actionnow.xyz/voisiaielite
This is the Voisi Voice & Languages Toolkit. The ultimate app for voice and languages.
It’s got many different AIs and over 450 voices. You can translate, do text to voice, voice to text, clone your voice, generate music and do so much more.
The offer is live now
Get all the features, all the automations, and all the 250+ Voices. It supports 100s of languages too.
You can power one Podcast or a dozen using Voisi. No need to worry about traffic or content ever again.
Voisi does everything on autopilot.
Podcasting couldn’t get easier.
? Recording
? Editing
? Worrying
?????? ?? Voisi - Voice & Languages Toolkit
Better, affordable, easier.
Now yours: https://www.actionnow.xyz/voisiaielite .
Got questions? Let me know.. I have the answers
Charles Moore
UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.actionnow.xyz/unsubscribe/?d=uznanidluhu.cz
Address: 2451 Ethels Lane
Indian Lake, FL 33853
(dále jen "dluh")
Dlužník se zavazuje uhradit dluh jednorázově nejpozději do Charles Moore.
Smluvní strany se dohodly, že dlužník vrátí dluh věřiteli převodem na číslo účtu .......................................
Hello uznanidluhu.cz,
Podcasts are amazing, they really work! If you have not set up one yet because they are too much work, well, this changes now.
There is a new technology that can do conversations using AI. Yes, you can feed it a script and it will make cracker conversations in realistic voices. Here’s an example
Jill: Hi Mark! Did you hear the latest about grape farming?
Mark: What about it?
Jill: You can grow grapes, make wine and sell that for a 500x profit.
Mark: Nice!
Now imagine putting in a complete conversation on your favorite topic. Pick up anything… You don’t need to speak and yet you can create a Podcast.
With this app… My latest: https://www.actionnow.xyz/voisiaielite
This is the Voisi Voice & Languages Toolkit. The ultimate app for voice and languages.
It’s got many different AIs and over 450 voices. You can translate, do text to voice, voice to text, clone your voice, generate music and do so much more.
The offer is live now
Get all the features, all the automations, and all the 250+ Voices. It supports 100s of languages too.
You can power one Podcast or a dozen using Voisi. No need to worry about traffic or content ever again.
Voisi does everything on autopilot.
Podcasting couldn’t get easier.
? Recording
? Editing
? Worrying
?????? ?? Voisi - Voice & Languages Toolkit
Better, affordable, easier.
Now yours: https://www.actionnow.xyz/voisiaielite .
Got questions? Let me know.. I have the answers
Charles Moore
UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.actionnow.xyz/unsubscribe/?d=uznanidluhu.cz
Address: 2451 Ethels Lane
Indian Lake, FL 33853