// začátek dokumentu Uznání dluhu - vzor //
Uznání dluhu
(podle § 2053 a nasl. Občanského zákoníku)
Dlužník : ......................................, IČO: ......................................, sídlo: ......................................
, zast.: ......................................
(dále jen "dlužník")
tímto uznává co do důvodu a výše svůj dluh vůči
věřiteli: ......................................, IČO: ......................................, sídlo: ......................................
, zast.: ......................................
(dále jen "věřitel")
(dále spolu i jako "smluvní strany")
Výše dluhu: ...................................... (slovem: ......................................).
Důvod vzniku dluhu: Hi,
KDP is Amazon’s platform for selling books…
And my friend Venkata created an app that exploits it…
…allowing you to generate, publish, and sell books there: https://www.growwealthy.info/amazonkdp
On complete autopilot…
Without writing a word
Without designing anything
Without running ads
Without paying anything upfront
Without waiting
Yes, you can have your fully-fledged book created within seconds…
Let the app even publish it for you on KDP…
And get your first sale within a couple of hours…
It’s really crazy, and you can watch it live HERE…
Right now, you can create your account with Blaster
And secure your chance of dominating KDP: https://www.growwealthy.info/amazonkdp
But that won’t last long…
So if you clicked on the link above and it took you to a blank page, you are out of luck
Jean Zachary
UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.growwealthy.info/unsubscribe/?d=uznanidluhu.cz
Address: 938 Franklee Lane
Portland, PA 97205
(dále jen "dluh")
Dlužník se zavazuje uhradit dluh jednorázově nejpozději do Jean.
Smluvní strany se dohodly, že dlužník vrátí dluh věřiteli převodem na číslo účtu .......................................
KDP is Amazon’s platform for selling books…
And my friend Venkata created an app that exploits it…
…allowing you to generate, publish, and sell books there: https://www.growwealthy.info/amazonkdp
On complete autopilot…
Without writing a word
Without designing anything
Without running ads
Without paying anything upfront
Without waiting
Yes, you can have your fully-fledged book created within seconds…
Let the app even publish it for you on KDP…
And get your first sale within a couple of hours…
It’s really crazy, and you can watch it live HERE…
Right now, you can create your account with Blaster
And secure your chance of dominating KDP: https://www.growwealthy.info/amazonkdp
But that won’t last long…
So if you clicked on the link above and it took you to a blank page, you are out of luck
Jean Zachary
UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.growwealthy.info/unsubscribe/?d=uznanidluhu.cz
Address: 938 Franklee Lane
Portland, PA 97205